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Band Boosters

The Rockwall Orange Wave Band is very fortunate to have numerous parents volunteers. Without the Band Booster Organization, the band program would not be able to provide an amazing educational experience to all band students. Whatever your skill or talents may be, the Boosters are always looking for individuals who want to provide every student with a quality high school band experience. 

Message from the Booster President



Welcome, all new and returning parents to our Orange Wave Band Boosters.


We are a 501(c)3, non-profit organization that exists to support the band program at Rockwall High School.  The basic objective and purpose of the OWB Boosters is to create and maintain an enthusiastic interest in band-related activities, to assist in fundraising activities, and to cooperate with our band directors in creating a fun, memorable, and successful band program.  We also promote the ways and means of providing for the needs of the band above and beyond those supplied by Rockwall ISD.


To our new band parents, prepare for one of the most amazing, rewarding, fun, and life-enriching experiences you will have the opportunity to share with your child during their high school years!  The memories and benefits your child can get from a positive experience in an organization such as the Orange Wave Band can last them a lifetime.  In a large school like Rockwall High School, where individual students can easily get lost in the shuffle of many students, the band program gives them the opportunity to have friends with common interests and build special bonds.  Additionally, it is well known that students involved in arts education often excel in academics.


The success of the band program depends upon our commitment, time, and resources.  The band directors are multi-talented, hard-working, dedicated teachers and mentors to our students, but they depend upon the dedication and support of the band parent organization to continue the tradition of excellence exhibited by the bands of Rockwall High School.


It takes a tremendous effort of volunteer support to run a highly competitive band program.  We need many team leaders and volunteers.  We want and need your help!


We are here to help guide you and provide specific information regarding the band program and activities, please feel free to call or email any board member, check the website (, or check the Band app. Be sure to attend our Parent Meet & Greet on Saturday, August 10 at 9:30am;  this is an excellent opportunity for new band parents to meet other band parents, ask questions, and get acquainted.


Again, welcome, join in, and come have a lot of fun with us this year!


Keri Cunningham

Orange Wave Band Booster President

RHS Orange Wave Band Boosters

2024-2025 Officers and Committee Chairs 


President - Keri Cunningham,
Vice President - Amber Jennings,
Treasurer - Victoria Petty,

Secretary - Kobi Taylor,

Director of Communications - Barbara Osborne,

Director of Fundraising - Jenae Cheow,

DIrector of Policy and Procedures - Ken Kamena,




Chaperones: Brookelynn Farmer (, Hollie Graham (

Concessions: Debbie Castorena (

Hospitality: Jamie Dodd (

Membership: Keri Cunningham (

Pit Crew: Nick Shoemaker (

Plumes: Joyce Ghormley (

Music Pick Up: Lena Chasteen (

Props: Nick Shoemaker (

Spirit Wear: Shannon Sexton ( & Jennifer Paden (

Transportation: Jon Lewis (

Uniforms: Hollie Graham (

Photographer: Erin Lewis (

Newsletter: Megan Humphrey ( , Kobi Taylor (

Senior Spoiler: Teresa Christian (, Jennifer Paden (

Spring Gala & Silent Auction: Amber Jennings (

Spirit Nights: Liz Danford (


Water Coordinator: Laura Carner/Chad Daigle (

Sponsorships/Donations: Jennifer Meek (

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